Why Let Students Blog

Blogs in Plain English

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


 Each Wednesday and Saturday evening you will have summary questions to answer for Parts 1-10 that you have just read (2 per week, a total of ten assignments).

 There will be a list of questions for you to choose from in each part. You must choose TWO questions to answer from each list to answer.

 Your answers should be a well-developed paragraph (about 100-150 words).

 After you have answered your two questions, respond to at least one of your classmates.

 You must respond/comment to a different classmate for each assignment. Say something meaningful to your classmate, not just “I agree” or “I don’t agree”. Talk to each other!

 I will accept posts to your blog no later than one day after it is due (10pts. Off). No posts will be accepted after one day-late unless discussed with me.

 P.S. If you wish to read ahead, you may post your responses early to the blog; just don’t forget to respond to one of your classmate’s the day the assignment is due.

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